Welcome Back to School!

Dear Students, Parents and Community Members:

Welcome to the 2019-20 school year!  We hope that all of you had a great summer and are excited for the new school year.  On Monday, August 19, the Elementary School Open House will be held from 5:30-7:00 p.m. and the Middle School/High School Open House from 6:30-8:00 p.m.  The first day of school is Wednesday, August 21 starting at 8:15 a.m. at the middle school/high school with a 3:17 p.m. dismissal and at 8:25 a.m. at the elementary school with a 3:25 p.m. dismissal.  Bus service will be provided.

Our District has been focusing on final preparations for the upcoming school year and hope that you too are making plans for its success.  The summer custodial and maintenance staff has been busy maintaining and preparing our school buildings and facilities so they are ready to receive our students.  We look forward to welcoming students, parents and staff back to school. 

We are excited about what this year has to offer for our students and their families and look forward to providing quality educational experiences and opportunities for all of our students.  We take our mission statement, “Together, We Aspire, Act, and Achieve” and our vision statement, “Creating Servant Leaders through Quality Academic and Activity Programs” very seriously as we strive toward our District goals in the four pillars of Academics/Achievement, Fine Arts, Athletics, and Servant Leadership/Distinguished Service. 

We will continue to provide a positive school climate that focuses on building relationships with our students and fostering effective teaching and learning practices.  Our District remains committed to providing the most current technology available to enhance 21st century learning opportunities for our students and allowing our staff the ability to customize and personalize instruction for our students to achieve.

As a District, it is our desire to communicate important and pertinent information that is timely and relevant to what is taking place in our schools.  This will be our second year with our mobile platform for the District.  The platform allows us to manage all of our communications from a single place to focus on the user experience.  Our District will be able to share a message once and it will automatically update to our website, iPhone app, Android app, Facebook, and Twitter.  It is our hope that our students, parents, and community members will continue to come to the app for meaningful information.  We will continue to use our parent communication system, “School Messenger with Voice” as well to communicate information.

Please feel free to contact your child’s school directly for additional details or call the district office at 763-4293 anytime we can be of service.  I am confident that by working together in the best interests of our students, we can have a productive 19-20 school year!  Have a great school year!


Brian Field, Superintendent

Beresford School District