Bus Families

Dear Beresford School District Bus Families,

We hope you had an enjoyable summer with your family.  I know that we are excited for the new school year!  The purpose of this letter is to communicate important bus information to your family.

The Beresford School District provides transportation for students in grades Junior Kindergarten through the 12th grade who reside outside the Beresford City Limits, are within the Beresford School District, or within close proximity to our District boundaries. 

Our District’s new Transportation Director and Mechanic is Mr. Dillon Steever.  He can be reached by calling our bus barn at 605-763-5097, on his cell at 605-751-9224, or email at Dillon.Steever@k12.sd.us.

If your children have ridden the school bus in the past, plan to continue riding in 19-20, and your address, home phone, and cell numbers remain the same, you will not have to contact our District office.  If your address and/or phone numbers have changed, please contact our District office at 605-763-4293 or email Rhonda.Peterson@k12.sd.us.  Also, if your children have ridden in the past and do not need bus service in 19-20, please contact us as well.  We are currently finalizing all of our bus routes for 19-20.

The Beresford School District will once again have five bus routes.  Following are the cell phone numbers for each of our route drivers:

Northwest route (Bus # 4):  Mr. Jim Nelson, 605-370-9541.

Southwest route (Bus #5):  Mr. Norm Twedt, 605-957-5591.

Northeast route (Bus #6):  Mr. Brian LeMaster, 605-695-3453.

Southeast route (Bus #7):  Mr. Dillon Steever, 605-751-9224.

East/Hudson route (Bus #1):  AM—Mr. Bruce Olson, 605-760-4977 and PM—Mr. Jerry Carda, 605-496-3333.

Prior to the start of the new school year, our route drivers will reach out to you by phone to provide an approximate pick-up time in the morning and drop-off time in the afternoon.  It may take several weeks to adjust the times until we know exactly who is and is not riding each route.  Your cooperation during this time is appreciated.

I wanted to let you know that each of our buses is equipped with an Angel Trax video and GPS system so if needed, we can view video footage from inside the school bus, as well as the location of the school bus.  We are still searching for an app that in the future will allow you as a parent to see the location of your child’s school bus as well.

We are working to improve our communication channels with our families.  Once our routes are finalized, we plan to set up campus messenger group contact lists for each of our bus routes so if needed, a phone call could be sent to the parents if a bus is running late in the winter, has mechanical problems, is running on hard surfaced roads only, etc.

Due to the length of our routes, it is important to please have your children ready for pick-up in the mornings at their assigned time. 

Safety is of the utmost importance when transporting students to and from school.  Our bus drivers have one of the most important responsibilities in our district.  When a child is riding, boarding, or leaving the bus, the bus driver has supervisory control over the students.  In view of the fact that a bus is an extension of the classroom, it is expected that our students conduct themselves in the bus in a manner consis­tent with established standards for classroom behavior. Please visit with your children regarding proper conduct on our school buses.

In cases when a child does not conduct him or herself properly on a bus, such in­stances will be brought to the attention of the building principal and transportation director by the bus driver.  The building principal will inform the parents immediately of the misconduct and request their coopera­tion in checking their child's behavior.

We look forward to providing bus service to your children and having them arrive safely to school and back home again.  Please let us know if you have any questions.  Thanks.



Brian Field, Superintendent                                        Dillon Steever, Transportation Director

Beresford School District                                            Beresford School District